My Journey

Hello. My name is Leo, I am a flutemaker and flute player with over ten years of experience crafting traditional, Andean, and Native flutes. My work is inspired by the ancestral tradition of wind instruments made from natural materials such as wood and bamboo.

Since I was very young, the magic of these instruments and their sweet sound captivated my attention, leading me to study their crafting, interpretation, and valuable significance.

My 5 years of studies in physics, acoustics and math, coupled with years of hands-on experience and cultural native traditions have allowed me to achieve my goal of creating high-quality instruments. I specialize in crafting a wide variety of flutes and sounds suitable for different levels of experience, from beginners to advanced players. Additionally, I can create flutes with different types of scales, including exotic scales, and frequencies. Feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to help you to choose the most suitable flute for you. Thank you for being a part of this project, which is also a lifelong dream, a life style.